Friday, January 26, 2007

Things are getting crazy already...

My schedule is completely insane this semester. Half the time I'm not sure if I'm coming or going. I'm not taking the Law Enforcement class this semester, I substituted in an American Women's History class instead.

I averaged out the amount of reading I'll be doing, and it came out to just under 500 pages per week. 13 books in about 15 or 16 weeks. Insanity!

I'm going to set a goal of one blog post per week, hopefully I can maintain it.

We're still trying to sell the house, but our market lacks something--buyers. No one is buying right now, so patience is on the menu. Luckily (or unluckily, as the case may be) I'm too busy to notice time passing by.

Fidget will be starting new job soon...At the hospital in the city where we hope to move to.

That's all the more update there is!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Back to School

I'm taking only 12 credits this semester because one of them is Statistics. My advisor recommended I do it this way and I am accepting his advice.

Stats promises to be challenging. I've taken it before, but my grade wasn't high enough. Worked my ass off, too, so this class makes me nervous.

Law Enforcement and Society might be interesting. Our professor is a former assistant county attorney. She teaches for the first 1.5 hours and then law enforcement officers teach the next 1.5 hours each week. Sounds like there will be tons of homework, and we had our first quiz the first night of class.

Rehab and Prevention and Juvenile Justice are the other two classes. One of my favorite professors teaches both of them, and I enjoy his teaching style so I am hopeful that they will be interesting. I haven't had either of these yet so we'll see.

My schedule is pretty screwy this semester, and I will be glad when it's over. I have morning classes and night classes. Yuck! That puts me driving the 30 miles to school twice a day several days a week. I can kill some time, but not 7 hours. No matter what I did, I just couldn't get my schedule to come out decently.

Fidget is giving her notice today. She's accepted a job in the same city where I'm going to school and where we hope to land if/when our house sells. As long as we're both driving to and from school/work we won't be seeing much of each other, so I have even more reason to hope the house sells sooner rather than later.

That's the news from this side of the river.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Firefox and Houses

As I mentioned in a recent post, I downloaded Mozilla Firefox. And I really like it. IE kept crashing on me (especially after I had downloaded their "latest and greatest"). It's user friendly and seems solid. Keep in mind that I'm not a computer guru so this is purely a user-based opinion. I especially like the fact that I can once again log into blogger. I still don't know why IE wouldn't let me in, but I don't care anymore.

On Monday Fidget and I and our Realtor are doing a day-long marathon. I think there are 20 houses to look at--plus an entirely separate list of about 25 more for a different day. Merrie, our Realtor, called this morning with bad news--the house that I really like (from picture and internet description) is a foreclosure home and the cleaning people haven't been in yet--so we won't be able to see it on Monday.

I'm really trying to be patient with this process. More than anything I want our house sold. We can always rent a storage unit for our belongings and rent a room (we have a small "motel" in town with weekly rates). It wouldn't be luxurious by any stretch, but at least then we could move on a house when we find one we like. We did have someone else come last week and look at our house--Loved the floors, loved our basement (my dad was quite a woodworker and built some solid shelving for storage and it's partially finished) but didn't like the kitchen layout or the stove. (Not the actual stove, we have a counter-top stove with an oven in the cabinetry across the kitchen, next to the fridge.) Bummer. Fidget had called a lady from her church who's looking for a 4-bedroom home so we're hoping it wasn't her family that came to look--because at least that means there's one more hope out there.

We're not asking too much for the house--our asking price is about $9000 more than our tax valuation for 2007. We've fixed everything before it broke. We put in new flooring in 2006. We bought expensive window coverings this fall. We still have to paint the damned living room white, but other than that it's a great house. It's just in the wrong town for us. Hell, I even looked into the cost of buying some land and moving the house--but that is totally cost prohibitive.

All my life I've hated limbo. I'm one of those people who feel better AFTER I make the decision. I can deal with success or failure, but I hate riding the fence. Right now I feel like I'm sitting on a barbed wire fence. I'm not someone who can happily sit and wait, I'm a woman of action. I want to be pro-actively doing SOMEthing, and in this situation there's nothing I can do. I can't even paint my damn living room because our furniture is large and heavy and so I need to wait for Fidget to be around to help me move it. Sigh.

It is fun looking at the different properties, and I'm trying to make it all about the fun. Our house has only been on the market for about 6 weeks or so (through the Holidays)...Can you imagine how edgy I'll be in 6 more weeks? UGH!