Friday, June 22, 2007

Another Reader Question

Q: What's keeping you busy these days, you aren't blogging like you used to?

A: Well, I'm doing a number of things. And a whole lot of running in between.

First, I'm copy-editing a book for a friend of mine. It's a great book, and when he finds the right publisher I will definitely be putting all kinds of info on my blog about it. I love doing this, and it's a great book. I feel very strongly that every person 18 and over in our country should read it before they're allowed to vote. Even if you don't agree with the politics in the book, it causes the reader to think about their decision to vote for one candidate/party versus another. The book encourages Americans to take control of our country back.

I'm also chasing Fidget's kids this summer. Between baseball and their other activities, it's practically a full time job. Add to that Fidget's chaotic work schedule and figuring out when to have meals ready each day can be a trial of trigonometric proportions. Plus all the rest of the every day household stuff: cleaning, laundry, etc.

I'm also doing some outdoor work on a friend's hobby farm. Mostly mowing the lawn, tearing down pens (they used to breed Siberian Huskies, and we're getting rid of the pens since they don't do that anymore), and stuff like that. It's getting me back into shape and it's something that I enjoy.

I'm also still working with Young Living oils. My business is slowly growing, which is fine by me as I didn't get involved with it to build a business--it's just something that's happening along the way. The oils have been life-changing for me, and are something I remain passionate about.

So, in a nutshell, that's what I've been up to.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Question of the Week

First, let me thank my readers. There are WAY more of you than I ever imagined! Kinda cool, kinda scary, pretty awesome! In any case, despite SOME of you (ahem! you know who you are!) giving me some well-deserved shit over losing "the list", you all came through. I'm going to try to answer them in the order received, all know how I am. Keep the questions coming, I'll keep them all (in my online account, so even if my hard drive goes, I'll still have it this time). :-)

Question: "As this is pride month, is your family 'out' at the kids' school?" (Secondary question: "How did you and your partner come out?")

Answer: Well...The short answer to the first question is yes.

The longer, more entailed answer is this:
When Fidget and her ex-husband divorced, we decided to let him have the kids during the school year (we get them every other weekend or so, depending on Fidget's schedule, as well as during school breaks) and have them with us over the summer (with her ex getting them every other weekend or so). The main reason for this was to limit the amount of upheaval they would have to go through, and later decided to continue the arrangement because her ex lives in a much better school district than we do.

I'm going to make a long story short, in order to keep things focused on the questions asked.

Fidget decided she wanted out of her marriage. She came out to her husband, thinking...okay, I honestly don't know what she was thinking. Big to-do ensued, he got carted off to jail for threats and acting out and such (his brother bailed him out the same night). They tried to live together while they worked out the details of the divorce, but he was being a total and complete asshole. As in, he emailed everyone in their address book about her "coming out". Yeah, nice. In any case, she's out to everyone.

As for me? I had lived in a few other states, and had a sort of girlfriend in one that I had recently moved from. I came home to take care of my parents because their health was failing. When my ex decided she wanted to re-locate to where I was, I decided to come out because: 1. I didn't want her to have to go back in the closet after 20 years of being out and 2. I didn't want to go back in the closet myself, as I had been out when I moved away.

I decided to tell my dad first, because I figured that if he accepted me no one else's reaction would matter as much; and if he didn't accept me no one's else's reaction would matter as much.

My dad's dad was a pentecostal minister: snakes, healings, the whole nine yards. My dad didn't keep with that religion, but was a devout Lutheran. He was strict, and generally non-tolerant of "faggots". Needless to say, I didn't expect acceptance.

I waited until I had about 20 minutes until I needed to leave for work. And I went out to the garage, where he spent a lot of time fixing things, woodworking, etc. And I said, "Dad, I need to tell you something. This isn't easy for me to say, and it's probably not going to be easy for you to hear. I'm gay." My dad blinked a few times. And then he said, "Well, you were born that way. I'm glad you told me, but it's nothing to be ashamed of."

Most of my co-workers at the time had already figured it out, and when I told my shift supervisor that night what had taken place he said, "Well, I guess everyone else can quit pretending they don't know, huh?" :-)

My dad's the only person I "came out" to. I mean, I didn't formally approach anyone else with the intention of telling them. Everyone else had either already figured it out, or did so by my references to my "partner". I never made (and still don't) a big deal out of it, and I've found that if I don't, no one else does (at least for the most part).

So we are both totally and completely out.

The story above might have made more chronological sense without my editing, but I took out a whole bunch of extraneous information, and tried to keep the info pertinent to my response to the questions.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Where the Hell Have I Been?

I'm still here. Too frickin' busy to blog, I guess. Well, that's sounds good anyway.

Fidget's dad has started chemo, and what a roller coaster that's been. He's generally doing well, but he went through several days of being basically non-responsive, so that was scary. Thank heavens that's over. At least for now.

The two youngest of Fidget's boys are here for the summer. The oldest will join us for a week or so later in the summer. Between his baseball team and his job, he's keeping busy. God, they grow up so fast. Anyway, I'll be keeping busy trying to keep the other two's schedules straight. They both play baseball (different teams), and they both have about a bazillion activities to keep mean THEM, stimulated.

I've gotten a few hundred (okay, so more like 7) emails asking me to answer some questions from my previous blog. Well, I would do that. Except I lost the damn list. (Collective groan.) I know. I think it was on my old hard drive and it got erased. That or the Martians came and took it.'s the deal:

You ask, I answer. Nothing is off limits, but please keep in mind that I won't disclose any identities, or give away too much that will personally identify me. Deal with it, because until Fidget's kids are all growed up that's the way it's going to be. And don't worry, I won't disclose your identity either.

Hot topics from the "previous blog" included: EMS, LGBT stuff, religion, politics, life with kids, addictions, and many other tantalizing subjects. Remember, if you ask and you don't like my response--tough. Like you (and everyone else) I have opinions--they are just that, opinions. I don't expect anyone's life to change because of what I think about any particular topic. I'm not here to convince anyone of anything. I say this, because it is the "spammers" who repeatedly bombarded my email and blog with crap who caused me to shut down the last blog.

I'll try to answer at least one question a week (after all, the blog is entitled "QATO").

Okay readers, it's your turn. Get your questions to me: email, comment, call, snail mail, UPS, FedEx; hell, you can even lean over my deck and ask me that way.

Brownie points to anyone who remembers what QATO stands for. (And yes, smart ass, I do remember. I'm forgetful, not senile.)