Where the Hell Have I Been?
I'm still here. Too frickin' busy to blog, I guess. Well, that's sounds good anyway.
Fidget's dad has started chemo, and what a roller coaster that's been. He's generally doing well, but he went through several days of being basically non-responsive, so that was scary. Thank heavens that's over. At least for now.
The two youngest of Fidget's boys are here for the summer. The oldest will join us for a week or so later in the summer. Between his baseball team and his job, he's keeping busy. God, they grow up so fast. Anyway, I'll be keeping busy trying to keep the other two's schedules straight. They both play baseball (different teams), and they both have about a bazillion activities to keep me...um...I mean THEM, harried...er...intellectually stimulated.
I've gotten a few hundred (okay, so more like 7) emails asking me to answer some questions from my previous blog. Well, I would do that. Except I lost the damn list. (Collective groan.) I know. I think it was on my old hard drive and it got erased. That or the Martians came and took it. So...here's the deal:
You ask, I answer. Nothing is off limits, but please keep in mind that I won't disclose any identities, or give away too much that will personally identify me. Deal with it, because until Fidget's kids are all growed up that's the way it's going to be. And don't worry, I won't disclose your identity either.
Hot topics from the "previous blog" included: EMS, LGBT stuff, religion, politics, life with kids, addictions, and many other tantalizing subjects. Remember, if you ask and you don't like my response--tough. Like you (and everyone else) I have opinions--they are just that, opinions. I don't expect anyone's life to change because of what I think about any particular topic. I'm not here to convince anyone of anything. I say this, because it is the "spammers" who repeatedly bombarded my email and blog with crap who caused me to shut down the last blog.
I'll try to answer at least one question a week (after all, the blog is entitled "QATO").
Okay readers, it's your turn. Get your questions to me: email, comment, call, snail mail, UPS, FedEx; hell, you can even lean over my deck and ask me that way.
Brownie points to anyone who remembers what QATO stands for. (And yes, smart ass, I do remember. I'm forgetful, not senile.)
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