Saturday, August 11, 2007

Greetings and Salutations

I've been keeping unusually busy, although I can't for the life of me figure out what it is that I've been doing. I race around the house and around town all day, I'm exhausted at night, and I never seem to see an end to the chores that need doing.

Today is Saturday, it is laundry day. I LOVE doing laundry. I especially like it when I can hang the clothes on the line to dry. Alas, it's been too humid to do that the last couple of weeks, but fall is coming!

My goddaughter left for Navy boot camp this past Monday. I still can't believe how grown up she is. I'm going to try to write to her a couple of times a week, but I don't tend to be very good at pen and paper correspondence, never have been. Each time I write to her, I'll increase her rate. As in, the first letter (which I've already mailed) has her at SR (seaman recruit). The next letter will be SA (seaman apprentice), and up through all the ratings. TeeHee! Fidget's uncle did that to her brother when her brother was in Army boot camp, and for each rank that the letter was off, Fidget's bro had to do a bunch of sit-ups or push-ups. TEEHEE! She'll be kicking my ass when she gets home, but it will be something that she can giggle about later.

Number 1 (Fidget's oldest) has approached me about getting a cell phone. He's only 13, and in my opinion is too young for this. But I may have already shot myself in the foot on this one, because of what I told him when he started asking for one when he was 11. I told him that when he has a job and can pay the bill every month, we'd get him a cell phone. DOH! I didn't think he'd be working until he was 15 or 16. He's working for a pig farmer, and is actually being paid pretty well for it. What to do, what to do... I think it goes without saying that until his grades come up, it ain't happening. But I guess if his grades come up I don't have much of a choice, since I basically would be breaking my word if I didn't get him one. Sigh. There really should be a book about handling these things, because the kid finds the loophole every time.

Fidget's 20 year class reunion is this weekend. She and the boys are off to the reunion picnic, and she'll be attending the dinner tonight with her senior prom date. His name's David and he's gay, so as long as that's who she's dating, I have no problem with it. ;-)

Time to go switch loads. Until next time, dear readers...OH, I almost forgot! I caught a comic's show on Comedy Central that blew me away! He's hilarious. His name is Gabriel Iglesias (and that might be misspelled), and he is a HOOT!

Later, gators!


At 1:49 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

First, I would go back on what you said about the cell phone. If he has a good job then let him have his cell phone- however, you may want to suggest a pre-paid so he knows how to budget his time.

Class reunions! Aggg... Mine isn't for another 3 years, but that's still to soon

Glad to hear you are keeping busy and not bored {wink}


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