Phew! What a weekend! this call last week from a friend of mine. He and a colleague of his had gotten a book published that was RIDDLED with errors. Well, to make a long story short, he wanted me to do the editing of the book before it's reprinted. Cool beans! A paid gig, and I was supposed to have until school starts back up next month. Suffice it to say, it didn't happen that way. The publishing house shall remain nameless, but they were being jerks. So...Bob (my friend) calls me up on Friday and says, "We have until Tuesday. Can you get anything done before then?" Well, shitfire.
I needed to have everything I could emailed to Bob today. I finished the whole damn book, and had it all to him yesterday! Yippee!! And it was no small task...a reasonably academic book, with HUNDREDS (probably close to a thousand) errors. Errors which any editor, publisher, or proofreader should have caught. Hell, about a third of them could have been found by simply using spellcheck. But I digress...(I just hate it when my friends get screwed).
I literally spent the entire weekend in front of my computer. I didn't spend time with Fidget or the kids, I didn't play with the dogs, I didn't even go with the family to Fidget's dad's birthday dinner yesterday. In 2 days I spent more than 30 hours sitting in front of the computer.
I am stiff. I am sore. And yes, dear reader, I am whiny. Well, it's tongue-in-cheek whining, but it's the kind of whining I do best.
And that's all the excitement in my world today.
To be the Devil's advo-kat
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